Selling super human tech to humans
As digital technologies become more and more sophisticated, entrepreneurs and technical creative thinkers are finding ways to make lives easier and up-end traditional sectors. The impact is clear to see as traditional, well loved companies have disappeared from our high streets. For those that remain, profit warnings and share price slumps are commonplace.
New SAAS companies emerge at such a pace, what’s news this week has been superseded by the next great tech genius days later. The challenge to stand out is real and we tend to see technology providers, particularly in the B2B space, defaulting to communications that focus on product features and ‘how it works’. All the clever stuff like algorithms; artificial intelligence and proprietary tech function that practically blow the minds of most! Let’s not forget that although we’re selling super human tech, we’re selling it to humans. Humans engage emotionally — in B2C comms emotion is used in spades — why don’t we see it so much in the B2B space? After all, no matter how far tech may surpass our own capabilities, you’re still having to convince a human to buy it. At Advantage we work with our B2B clients to understand their customers’ needs — the emotional ones, as well as the rational.